4 Design Considerations For Overhead Powerline Installation In Rural Areas

Rural areas can present a unique challenge for overhead power installation. The topography and terrain may be more challenging in rural areas, but there are other factors to consider when constructing overhead powerlines in a rural environment.

The following four considerations will help you design an overhead power installation system that is safe and reliable:

Voltage Drop

A power line voltage drop is caused when the current flow through a conductor or cable increases. This can happen when there are too many appliances drawing power from the line, or when the load on the line is too heavy. Voltage drop can be dangerous as it causes lights to dim, which could result in an accident if someone trips over while they're walking down a dark hallway or staircase.


Grounding is an essential part of any electrical system and should be done correctly in both rural and urban areas. However, there are some unique challenges associated with grounding rural power lines. First, trees can grow so tall that they may cause problems if they come into contact with overhead power lines. Second, soil composition can vary widely depending on the location of your customers' homes or businesses relative to other geographical features such as rivers or lakes, which may affect how well conductors perform over time. Third, there are often long distances between homes or businesses, making it more difficult to run power lines. Finally, many rural customers use generators for backup power during storms or other emergencies.

Existing Infrastructure

Existing infrastructure such as roads, rail lines and water pipelines should be taken into account during the planning process. If there is a need to cross these routes with overhead lines, they should be marked clearly on all maps so they do not interfere with the construction or operation of these systems in the future. Power installation agencies should also assess whether they can use existing infrastructure to support their project. For example, if an existing rail line is being used as a route for power lines, it may be possible to avoid the need for additional right-of-way acquisitions by attaching the power lines directly to existing poles along the route.

Land Use Plans

Local land use plans are useful when designing overhead power installations because they detail where things like houses and other buildings may be built in the future based on current zoning laws. This information will help you determine where it is safe to build your new line without running into interference from other developments later on down the road.

To find out more about power installation in rural areas, contact a power line installation company today.
