Electrical Safety: Minimising the Risk of Fire in Your Home

Electrical fires in homes can lead to the injury of the residents and even fatalities. Also, most of these unfortunate incidents cause extensive loss of valuable assets. Some of the fires are unavoidable and can happen due to unexpected faults. However, in most cases, the accidents are preventable. In simple terms, if you take some precautions around your residential building, you can keep your family and property safe. Here are some essential guidelines on reducing the risk of fire in your home.

Eliminate Aluminium and Old Wiring

If you are living in an old house, you should consider having an experienced electrician perform an inspection. Some older structures have aluminium wiring, which can be hazardous. This material tends to oxidise quickly, and corrosion often occurs. Moreover, the lightweight property of aluminium makes the connections susceptible to loosening. If left alone, this type of wiring can cause serious accidents. Therefore, you should have your home rewired. Some old houses might not have aluminium wiring, but the existing network might be worn-out and damaged. If this is the case, you should consider partial rewiring or repair to restore your home.

Resolve Power Inadequacies

In the recent past, the electrical demands in homes have risen significantly. Unfortunately, most homeowners have not made adjustments to match the change. Therefore, there will be some problems experienced in the electrical system which could lead to electrical fires. If your home is suffering from power inadequacies, you will notice frequent tripping of the circuit breakers and blowing of fuses. These issues occur when there is a higher demand for power than is available. Also, you might find that you are relying on extension power strips heavily. This practice can cause overheating at the outlet, resulting in a fire. If this is the case within your property, you should restructure your electrical network to accommodate your current needs.

Beware of Arc Faults 

Arc faults can occur in your home, and the consequences will be dire. Typically, these anomalies happen when the electricity flowing in the building veers off from its original or intended path. For example, two wires can come into contact due to a loose connection, or you might be performing a home improvement project, and the wiring behind the walls sustains damage. Often, arc faults occur through unexpected accidents. Therefore, you should consider installing some arc fault circuit interrupters as a precaution.

If you have noticed abnormalities in your electrical system, you should contact an emergency electrician for immediate inspection and resolution.
